Operating OnLine 3-73
Monitor Configuration Information
A second solution to chunk fragmentation is to unload and reload the tables
in the chunk.
To prevent the problem from recurring, consider increasing the size of the
tblspace extents.
Monitor Configuration Information
Configuration information is needed for documentation during OnLine
From DB-Monitor
From DB-Monitor, select the Status menu, Configuration option.
This option creates a copy of the current, effective configuration and stores it
in the directory and file you specify. If you have modified the configuration
parameters and have not yet reinitialized shared memory, the effective
parameters might be different than the parameters that appear in
If you specify only a filename, the file is stored in the current working
directory by default.
From the Command Line
From the command line, execute tbstat -c to obtain a copy of the file specified
by the environment variable TBCONFIG.
If TBCONFIG is not specified, OnLine displays the contents of $INFOR-
/etc/tbconfig. Refer to page 1-13 for a complete listing of the
configuration file.
From the command line, execute tbcheck -pr to obtain the configuration
information that is stored in the root dbspace reserved page. The reserved
page contains a description of the current, effective configuration.
If you change the configuration parameters from the command line and run
tbcheck -pr before you reinitialize shared memory, tbcheck discovers that
values in the configuration file do not match the current values in the
reserved pages. A warning message is returned.