
OnLine Message Log 8-17
Alphabetized Messages
Failed to stat chunk chunk_pathname, errno = nn
OnLine detected an error during an operating system stat() call. The UNIX
error number is returned. Refer to your operating system documentation.
fatal pgcompress error: pid = nn, uid = nn
OnLine detected an error in an attempt to compress a page. The process ID
and the user ID of the database server process that generated the error are
displayed. Please contactInformix technical support for additional assistance
resolving this situation.
Fcntl failed in Async Chunk Initialization chunk_pathname, fd=nn
errno = nn
OnLine detected an error during an operating system fcntl() call. The UNIX
file descriptor number and error number are returned. Refer to your
operating system documentation.
gcore nn; mv core.nn core_filename
A user process detected an inconsistency or initiated an abort sequence and
called the gcore operating system utility. The utility directed the user process
to dump core to core_filename. This requires that either the GCORE or
DUMPCORE environment variable is set. Refer to page 4-10 for more infor-
mation about GCORE. Refer to page 4-11 for more information about
INFORMIX-OnLine entering ABORT mode
OnLine is initiating a shutdown to preserve database integrity and consis-
tency. The most likely cause is the abnormal termination of a database server
process that is either in a critical section of code or holding a latch.
INFORMIX-OnLine Initialized - Complete Disk Initialized
OnLine disk space and shared memory have been initialized. Any databases
that existed on the disk before the initialization are now inaccessible.
INFORMIX-OnLine Initialized - Shared Memory Initialized
OnLine shared memory has been initialized.