
1-28 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Message File Guidelines
Message File Guidelines
The console receives messages that deserve your immediate attention–for
example, alerting you that your logical logs are full. The OnLine message log
contains a more complete set of messages that record OnLine activity but
rarely require immediate action.
MSGPATH specifies the UNIX pathname of the OnLine message file. OnLine
writes status messages and diagnostic messages to this message file during
operation. The default value for MSGPATH is /usr/informix/online.log.
CONSOLE specifies the pathname destination for console messages. The
default value for CONSOLE is /dev/console, which sends messages to the
system console screen.
Archive Tape Device Guidelines
This section describes how to assign initial configuration values to the
archive tape device parameters. Refer to page 3-50 for a detailed discussion
of archive tape configuration guidelines.
As OnLine administrator, you are responsible for creating and maintaining
archives. OnLine supports several different archiving strategies, including
online archiving, remote archiving, and incremental archiving.
Informix strongly recommends that your OnLine environment include two
tape devices, one for archiving and a second for backing up the logical log
files to tape. If you must use the same device for archiving and for backing
up the logical logs, plan your archive schedule carefully to eliminate
contention for the one tape device. Refer to page 3-49.
TAPEDEV specifies the archive tape device. TAPEDEV can be a link pathname
that points to the actual tape device to provide flexibility in case the actual
device is unavailable.