12 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
taking offline 3-12
Slot table
description of 2-121
entry number 2-121
entry reflects changes in row
size 2-124, 2-129
location on a dbspace page 2-120
relation to rowid 2-122
Snooze time 2-75
Sorted write 2-76
Sorting space location
specifying directory 5-4
using Psort variables 5-22
SPINCNT parameter
description of 1-17
initial configuration value 1-40
tuning for performance 5-24
SQL statement
and dbschema 7-32
displaying with dbschema 7-32
FILE statement with dbload 7-21
GRANT statement and
dbschema 7-32
INSERT statement with
dbload 7-21
SQLEXEC environment variable
description of 1-55
how to set 1-55
role in IBM Informix STAR
queries 9-16
stores5 demonstration database
copying Intro-6
creating on IBM Informix
OnLine Intro-6
overview Intro-5
Syntax conventions
example diagram Intro-11
Syntax diagrams, elements
in Intro-10
System architecture 2-7
System catalog tables
automatic updating 1-9
tracking a new database 2-109
tracking a new table 2-111
creating, what happens on
disk 2-110
identifying its dbspace 2-106
migration 4-52
tbcheck -pe displays dbspace
name 3-78
cleanup during shared-memory
initialization 2-9, 2-13, 2-114
creating, what happens on
disk 2-113
message reporting cleanup 8-13
TABLOCKS logical log record 9-45
TAPEBLK parameter
changing 3-55
description of 1-17
initial configuration value 1-29
TAPEDEV parameter
changing pathname 3-52
description of 1-17
if the device is /dev/null 4-35
implications of pathname 3-51
initial configuration value 1-28
separate device from
syntax to specify another
machine 3-54
TAPESIZE parameter
changing 3-56
description of 1-17
initial configuration value 1-29
tbcheck utility
corrective actions 4-6
-cc 7-39
-cd 7-40
-ce 7-40
-cI 7-41
-ci 7-40
-cr 7-41
-n 7-41
-pB 5-5, 7-42
-pc 7-42
-pD 7-42
-pd 7-42
-pe 7-43
-pK 7-43
-pk 7-43
-pL 7-43
-pl 7-43
-pP 7-44
-pp 7-43
-pr 7-44
-pT 7-44
-pt 7-44
-q 7-45
-y 7-45
use in consistency checking 4-6
TBCONFIG environment variable
changes for multiple
residency 9-13
description of 1-11
function during
initialization 1-55
how to set 1-55
relationship to tbconfig file 1-11
role in multiple residency 9-10
tbconfig file
description of 1-11
relationship to TBCONFIG 1-11
tbconfig.std file
contents of 1-13
description of 1-11
maintenance of the file 1-12
tbinit daemon process
description of 2-8, 2-33
role in
disk-space initialization 2-15
executing a checkpoint 2-72
long-transaction rollback 2-160
initialization 2-10
updating reserved pages 2-96
synchronized during online
archive 4-33
tbinit process
description of 2-8
initialization commands 2-10
role in
disk-space initialization 2-15
initialization 2-10
tbinit utility
description of 7-45