7-28 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
How to Create a Command File
The same character position can be repeated in a data field definition, or in
different fields.
The scope of reference of null string is the data field for which you define it,
but you can define the same null string for other fields.
Character-Position INSERT Statement
The INSERT statement within dbload cannot incorporate aSELECT statement.
The user who executes dbload with this command file must have Insert
privilege on the named table. A representation of the syntax for the character-
position INSERT statement follows:
Valid syntax for the dbload VALUES clause includes constants, literal
numbers, and functions as described in IBM Informix Guide to SQL: Reference.
- end is a hyphen followed by an integer that indicates the character
position within a data row that ends a range of character
fieldn is a name that you assign to a data field you are defining with
the range of character positions.
filename is the name of the input file.
null string is a quoted string that specifies the data value for which
dbload should substitute a null.
start is an integer that indicates the character position within a data
row that starts a range of character positions.
column name is the column that receives the new data.
table name is the name of the table that receives the data. The table name
can include the owner name but cannot include a database
server name.
Values Clause
( )
table name