2-98 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Reserved Pages
Below are listed the checkpoint and logical log file tracking fields and defini-
tions. To obtain a listing of the reserved page, execute the command
tbcheck -pr.
Field Name Description
Timestamp of checkpoint Timestamp of the last checkpoint,
displayed as decimal value
Checkpoint time Time the last checkpoint occurred
Physical log begin address Beginning address of the physical log
Physical log size Number of pages in the physical log
Physical log position, Ckpt Physical location for the start of the next set
of “before-images”
Logical log unique ID ID number of the logical log file storing the
most-recent checkpoint record
Logical log position, Ckpt Physical location of this checkpoint record
in the logical log file
Dbspace descriptor page Address of the current dbspace reserved
Primary chunk descriptor page Address of the current primary chunk
reserved page
Mirror chunk descriptor page Address of the current mirror chunk
reserved page
The following fields display for each OnLine logical log file.
Log file number Number of this logical log file
Logical log file flags:
Log file in use
Log file is the current log
Log file has been backed up
Log file is newly added
Log file has been written to archive tape
Timestamp Timestamp when log filled (decimal)
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