
OnLine Message Log 8-3
In This Chapter
This chapter introduces the OnLine Message Log, a UNIX file specified by the
MSGPATH configuration file parameter.
OnLine Message Log
The messages contained in the OnLine message log rarely require immediate
action. (Situations that require your immediate attention are reported
through error messages or status messages sent to the system console.)
Four general categories of messages can be defined, although some messages
fall into more than one category:
Routine information
Consistency check reported (refer to page 4-6)
Administrative action needed
Fatal error detected
The messages reflect their traditional use by Informix technical staff to assist
in troubleshooting and diagnostics. The information they report often falls
into the category of “unexpected events” that might or might not develop
into problems caught by other error codes. Moreover, the messages are terse,
and often extremely technical and fragmented. That is, they report on one or
two isolated statistics without providing a clear picture of what is happening.
When technical staff are investigating a problem, this information is useful
for suggesting possible research paths. Butout of context, or when processing
is proceeding normally, the information might have little or no application
for an administrator.