8-28 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Alphabetized Messages
Some dirty buffers not written. diskcnt=nn writes=nn
OnLine detected that some modified buffers destined for a specific chunk
were not written during this cleaning. These buffers will be written during
the next flushing of the buffer pool. The value of diskcnt is the number of
buffers that user processes attempted to write; writes is the number of
buffers that were written; and notflsh is the difference. All values are
sqlexec: information
(This message is only received by users of the IBM Informix STAR product.) A
database server process is being spawned to perform work on behalf of a
global transaction within the two-phase commit protocol. The following
additional information displays:
sqlexec informix 5.00 -t flags GTRID coordinator where:
■ sqlexec is the value of SQLEXEC.
■ informix is the owner of the process.
■ 5.00 is the OnLine version number.
■ flags is either -g or -gr (used internally).
■ GTRID is the global transaction ID in ASCII-encoded format.
■ coordinator is the DBSERVERNAME of the coordinator OnLine.
Tbconfig parameter parameter modified from old_value to new_value
When OnLine shared memory is reinitialized, this message documents any
changes that have occurred since the last initialization.
TBLSpace table overflow - user id nn, process id nn
A database server process attempted to gain access to a tblspace when no
entries in the tblspace shared-memory table were available. The user ID and
process ID of the requesting database server process are displayed.
tbundo died pid=nn
The tbundo daemon process was started to perform cleanup for a transaction
but the daemon died. A new daemon process will be started automatically.
The process ID of the tbundo daemon that died is displayed.