
Operating OnLine 3-55
Change Block Size of Archive Tape Device
From the Command Line
1. Use an editor to edit the file specified by
2. Change the value of TAPEDEV.
3. Change the values for the archive device block size (TAPEBLK) and
tape size (TAPESIZE) at the same time, if appropriate.
Change Block Size of Archive Tape Device
The block size of the archive tape device is specified as TAPEBLK in the config-
uration file. The block size is expressed in kilobytes.
You can change the value of TAPEBLK while OnLine is in online mode. The
change takes effect immediately.
Specify the largest block size permitted by your tape device.
If the tape device pathname is /dev/null, the block size is ignored.
If you are logged in as user informix, you can change the value of TAPEBLK
from within DB-Monitor or from the command line. If you are logged in as
root, you must use the command-line option.
Important: Any time you change the physical characteristics of the tape device, you
must create a level-0 archive. Otherwise, you might be unable to restore the complete
set of tapes. OnLine cannot switch tape devices during a restore. OnLine will expect
all archive tapes to have the same block size and tape size as were specified at the time
of the most recent level-0 archive.
OnLine does not check the tape device when you specify the block size.
Verify that the tape device specified in TAPEDEV can read the block size that
you specified. If not, you cannot restore the tape.
From DB-Monitor
1. From within DB-Monitor, select the Archive menu, Tape-Parameters
option to change the value of TAPEBLK. DB-Monitor displays the
current value.
2. Enter the new block size expressed in kilobytes in the Block Size
field that is associated with the Tape Device field.