
Operating OnLine 3-77
Monitor Disk Pages
Monitor Disk Pages
Use these options to obtain the specific data row rowid or to view a specific
page in ASCII (and hexadecimal). Use the rowid to specify a disk page.
From the command line, execute tbcheck -pD with either a database name or
a table name as the parameter to obtain a listing of every row requested
(either in the database or in the table). If you specify a table name, you can
optionally specify a logical page number. (The logical page number is
contained in the most significant three bytes of the rowid, which displays as
part of this output.) Two examples of the syntax for tbcheck -pD follow:
tbcheck -pD database_name
tbcheck -pD table_name logical_page_number
For each row, the page type and rowid is provided. Note that the rowid is
expressed in hexadecimal, but without the usual 0x indicator. For further
information about tbcheck -pD syntax, refer to page 7-42.
The -pD option displays the data page contents in hexadecimal and ASCII.
For data rows that contain blob descriptions, the blob storage medium is
indicated. (Magnetic is specified with 0; optical is specified with 1.)
In summary, tbcheck -pD provides the following information:
For every data row, the page type and rowid (expressed in
Data page contents in hexadecimal and ASCII
For further information about tbcheck -pD output, refer to page 7-42.
The -pp options of tbcheck provide similar information to the -pD options
but include a detailed listing of the slot table for the data page requested. You
request data pages using tbcheck -pp with the following parameters:
tbcheck -pp table_name row-ID
tbcheck -pp tblspace_number logical_page_number
To obtain a specific rowid, you can either write a SELECT statement with the
ROWID function or use the hexadecimal rowid output from tbcheck -pD. If
you use the rowid from tbcheck -pD, remember to prefix 0x to the rowid, as
shown in the following example:
tbcheck -pp stores2:bob.items 0x101