
Index 7
key entries on root node
page 2-138
key value 2-134
leaf node page 2-133, 2-136
monitoring integrity 3-79
page structure 2-133
repairing structures with tbcheck
utility 7-36
root node page 2-133, 2-134
Industry standards, compliance
with Intro-19
Infinity slot 2-139
Informix products
application development
tools Intro-7
network products Intro-7
INFORMIXDIR environment
variable 1-57
ASCII file of error
messages Intro-15
Initial configuration
checklist 1-50
creating blobspaces and
dbspaces 1-59
default versus customized
values 1-20
defining parameter values 1-20
description of 1-5
disk layout
for learning environment 1-44
for production
environment 1-44
disk space requirements 1-41
entering values in DB-
Monitor 1-51
evaluating UNIX kernel
parameters 1-49
archive tape device 1-28
logical log file 1-26
logical log tape device 1-29
parameters 1-39
message destination 1-28
mirroring 1-24
OnLine identifiers 1-31
physical log 1-25
parameters 1-39
root dbspace 1-21
shared-memory resources 1-32
modifying UNIX scripts 1-56
raw disk devices versus cooked
files 1-40
tasks 1-5, 1-10
worksheet 1-21
commands 2-8
configuration files 1-11
disk parameters screen 1-52
disk space and shared
memory 2-7
disk-space initialization 2-14
error messages 1-59
role of SQLEXEC 1-55
role of TBCONFIG 1-55
initialization 2-10
shared-memory parameters
screen 1-53
tbinit utility 7-45
INSERT statement
dbload character-position
form 7-28
dbload delimiter form 7-23
description of 1-5, 1-10
IBM Informix OnLine with IBM
Informix SE 1-6
items you need 1-5
multiple IBM Informix OnLine
systems 1-6
multiple residency 9-11
replacing an IBM Informix SE
database server 1-6
starting point 1-6
upgrading earlier versions 1-7
ISAM calls tabulated 7-93
Isolation level
Committed Read and blobs 2-45
Dirty Read and blobs 2-45
of a transaction 9-62
I/O errors during processing 4-13
acquisition 2-42
description of 2-41
determining if one is held 2-32
identifying the resource
controlled 7-97
monitoring 3-84
relationship of UNIX
semaphores 2-43
shared-memory table 2-51
spin-count latch acquisition 5-24
Level-0 archive
description of 3-44
tasks that require one 3-47
use in consistency checking 4-8
Level-1 archive
description of 3-45
Level-2 archive
description of 3-45
LOAD statement
comparison to dbload 4-59
migrating with UNLOAD
statement 4-60
overview of migration
methods 4-52
buffer lock types 2-38
buffer-access-level flag bits 7-83
byte lock 2-52
changing maximum
number 3-112
hash table 2-52
monitoring 7-88
shared-memory table 2-51
type codes 7-89
LOCKS parameter
changing 3-112
description of 1-14
initial configuration value 1-33
tuning for performance 5-15
LOGBUFF parameter
changing 3-93
description of 1-14
initial configuration value 1-36
LOGFILES parameter
description of 1-14
initial configuration value 1-27