
8-20 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Alphabetized Messages
I/O error, Primary Chunk pathname -- Offline
OnLine detected an I/O error on a primary chunk in a mirrored pair. In
response, the chunk was taken offline.
I/O error ‘read’: expect nn actual nn addr 0xn errno nn retries nn
The operating system read() call encountered an error. The operation is
retried three times to ensure that the error is not spurious. The values
reported are as follows:
expect is the expected byte count.
actual is the actual byte count.
addr is the physical address (hexadecimal).
errno is the operating system error number.
retries is the number of times this operation has been attempted.
I/O error ‘write’: expect nn actual nn addr 0xn errno nn retries nn
The operating system write() call encountered an error. The operation is
retried three times to ensure that the error is not spurious. The values
reported are as follows:
expect is the expected byte count.
actual is the actual byte count.
addr is the physical address (hexadecimal).
errno is the operating system error number.
retries is the number of times this operation has been attempted.
I/O - retry successful; addr 0xn retries nn, io_retries
This message follows a retry of a previously detected I/O error and indicates
that the retry was successful. Refer to I/O error “lseek,” I/O error “read,” and
I/O error “write.”
Level n Archive Cancelled
The archive (of the indicated level) has been aborted for some reason. The
archive must be redone.