6 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
next extent allocation 2-117
reclaiming space in an empty
extent 2-118
size limitations 2-114
structure 2-114
tracking free pages using bit-map
page 2-143
Fast recovery
description of 4-39
effect of buffered logging 4-40
role of PAGE_CHKT reserved
page 4-41
step in shared-memory
initialization 2-13
FILE statement
dbload character-position
form 7-26
dbload delimiter form 7-23
finderr script, use and
syntax Intro-16
FLRU queue
description of 2-57
role in buffer acquisition 2-62
Forced residency
changing configuration
parameter 3-100
changing for this session 3-100
step in shared-memory
initialization 2-14
Foreground write 2-77
Forward pointer
description of 2-125
how blob pointers become
obsolete 2-45
role in a blobspace blob
storage 2-149
role in data storage 2-127
role in dbspace blob storage 2-145
unaffected by page
compression 2-122
Free-map page for blobspace 2-148
GCORE environment variable
description of 4-10
Global transaction identification
number 9-59
GTRID_CMP_SZ parameter
description of 1-14
initial configuration value 1-39
Hash table
description of 2-46
to buffer table 2-49
to lock table 2-52
to tblspace table 2-53
Hashing technique illustrated 2-47
Heuristic decision
definition of 9-30
develops from independent
action 9-30
Heuristic end-transaction
breaks two-phase commit
protocol 9-41
definition of 9-30
detailed description of 9-40
determining database
consistency 9-51
illustration including logical log
records 9-50
key points of understanding 9-33
messages returned 9-41
when is it necessary 9-40
Heuristic rollback
definition of 9-30
detailed description of 9-36
determining database
consistency 9-51
HEURTX logical log record 9-45
illustration including logical log
records 9-48
key points of understanding 9-32
messages returned 9-37
HEURTX logical log record 9-45
Home page 2-123, 2-127
IBM Informix OnLine database
bad-sector mapping, absence
of 9-6
blob compression, absence of 9-7
blob scanning, absence of 9-7
distributed-query support 9-6
error message format 1-60
fault-tolerant features 9-5
feature summary 9-3
multimedia support 9-5
multiple residency 9-7
possible environments 9-3
profile statistics 3-83
raw-disk management 9-4
shared-memory management 9-4
IBM Informix STAR
administration topics 9-15
configuration parameters 9-57
determining database
consistency 9-51
distributed-data queries 9-15
multiserver modifications in a
single transaction 9-17
recovery procedure 9-23
sqlexecd, role of 9-16
terminology for multiserver
modifications 9-18
tracking a transaction 9-58
two-phase commit protocol,
definition of 9-18
IBM Informix TP/XA
DYNSHMSZ parameter 1-39
GTRID_CMP_SZ parameter 1-39
Important Intro-9
Tip Intro-9
Warning Intro-9
Idle write 2-76
Important paragraphs, icon
for Intro-9
Incremental archive
description of 3-45
branch node page 2-133
illustration of terminology 3-80
infinity slot 2-139