3-10 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Gracefully from Online to Quiescent
Gracefully from Online to Quiescent
Take OnLine gracefully from online to quiescent mode when you want to
restrict access to OnLine without interrupting current processing.
If you are user informix, you can take OnLine gracefully from online to
quiescent mode from within DB-Monitor or from the command line. If you
are root, you can only use the command-line option.
After you execute this task, OnLine sets a flag that prevents new database
server processes from gaining access to OnLine. Current server processes are
allowed to finish processing.
Once you initiate the mode change, it cannot be cancelled.
From DB-Monitor
From within DB-Monitor, select the Mode menu, Graceful-Shutdown option
to take OnLine gracefully from online to quiescent mode.
DB-Monitor displays a list of all active users and updates it every five seconds
until the last user completes work or until you leave the screen.
From the Command Line
From the command line, execute tbmode -s or tbmode -sy from the
command line to take OnLine gracefully from online to quiescent mode.
A prompt asks for confirmation of the graceful shutdown. The -y option to
tbmode eliminates this prompt.
To verify that OnLine is running in quiescent mode, execute tbstat from the
command line. The header on the tbstat output gives the current operating
For further information about the tbmode utility, refer to page 7-64.