3-98 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Create a Dbspace
You can create a dbspace while OnLine is in online mode. The newly added
dbspace (and its associated mirror, if there is one) is available immediately.
From DB-Monitor
1. From within DB-Monitor, select the Dbspaces menu, Create option to
create a dbspace.
2. Enter the name of the new dbspace in the field Dbspace Name.
3. If you want to create a mirror for the initial dbspace chunk, enter a Y
in the Mirror field. Otherwise, enter N.
4. Enter the complete pathname for the initial primary chunk of the
dbspace in the Full Pathname field of the primary chunk section.
5. Specify an offset in the Offset field if it is appropriate for your
6. Enter the size of the chunk, in kilobytes, in the Size field.
7. If you are mirroring this dbspace, enter the mirror chunk full
pathname, size, and optional offset in the mirror chunk section of the
From the Command Line
From the command line, execute the tbspaces utility with the following
options and parameters:
-c creates a new dbspace.
-d dbspace specifies a dbspace name.
-p pathname specifies the explicit pathname of the primary chunk, either a
raw device or a UNIX file.
-o offset specifies the raw device offset in kilobytes, if appropriate.
-m indicates dbspace mirroring and is followed by both pathname
and offset, if appropriate, for the dbspace mirror.