
Product Environment 9-13
How to Set Up Multiple Residency
The SERVERNUM parameter specifies the unique value associated with this
OnLine configuration. (Values need to be unique within a machine. OnLine
database servers within a network can use the same SERVERNUM value.) The
name of the configuration file should reflect the value you select for
SERVERNUM. The default value for SERVERNUM is zero. The value cannot
exceed 255. (Refer to page 2-24 for more details about the role that the
SERVERNUM value plays in determining the shared-memory key.)
The DBSERVERNAME parameter specifies the name of this OnLine database
server and is the value that is returned when the SQL SITENAME or DBSERV-
function is executed. This value must be unique throughout the
network on which the host machine is running. The value of DBSERV-
cannot exceed18 characters. Valid characters are restricted to digits,
characters, and the underscore. The default value of DBSERVERNAME is
The MSGPATH parameter specifies the UNIX pathname of the OnLine
message file. OnLine messages do not include the DBSERVERNAME, which
means it would be impossible for you to sort the messages from the separate
OnLine environments if more than one OnLine database server shared the
same MSGPATH. (Refer to Chapter 8, “OnLine Message Log,” for a listing of
OnLine messages.)
The default value for MSGPATH is /usr/informix/online.log. Refer to
page 1-28 for more details about setting the value of MSGPATH.
Step 3: Set Your TBCONFIG Environment Variable
Set your TBCONFIG environment variable to the filename of the new config-
uration file. Specify only the filename, not the complete path. OnLine
assumes the file is located in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc directory. Make sure
that this change has taken effect before you proceed to the next step. (Refer to
page 1-55 for more details about the role of the TBCONFIG environment