6 - 10
Daily status Manual Paper In There is a paper on the manual tray.
PC display status message Trouble or status Remedy
Ready Toner Low
Ready Toner Sensor
Toner is running out.
Normal operation can be continued.
Reset The data which remained unprinted
in the buffer is deleted and the
printer is initialized to user default
settings. The temporary DLLs and
macro are deleted.
Toner Sense A fault occurred in the toner sensor.
Normal operation can be continued.
Ready Change Drum
Image drum is running out.
Normal operation can be continued.
– Replace the toner cartridge.
– Replace the power supply board.
– Replace the image drum unit.
– After replacing the drum unit,
reset the drum counter. (Refer
to the User's Manual.)
Table 6-1 (Cont'd)