68 Programs
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Main Screen
The Client's Main screen contains a list of controlled ports (NICs). The colored port icon on the
left indicates the authentication state.
The Main screen contains menu bar buttons or tabs labeled Client, View, and Help. Selecting each
tab will bring up a small menu. The Client tab controls the run state and access to protocol
configuration. View tab controls the appearance of the main screen and access to the event log.
Help tab allows access to the registration dialog, help, and version information.
Selecting the port(interface) brings up a menu which allows the port to be controlled and
configured. The port can be enabled or disabled, and must be enabled to work. Port configuration
is covered in Port Configuration. Delete removes a port from the list.
Figure 4-5 Client Menu
You manage ports on this screen.
The main screen contains a port status icon to the left of each port listed. The color of the icon
indicates the status of the port.
The color of the icon changes as the port starts authentication, negotiates with the access point
and/or authentication server, and then joins the network. As the network interface starts or stops,
the color of the port icon and the status field in the Interface List updates to reflect the current state
of the interface.
Doubletap the port to configure wireless networks and protocols.
Tap Configure in the Client menu to configure User, System and Server parameters.