
Accessing Files in Flash Memory 21
E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC MX6 Reference Guide
Accessing Files in Flash Memory
My Documents Folder
Access: Start | Programs | File Explorer | My Device | My Documents
Programs and files located in this folder are saved through a soft reset if they had been “saved”
prior to resetting. They are not saved through a hard reset.
The IPSM Folder
Access: Start | Programs | File Explorer | My Device | IPSM
Programs and files located in the IPSM folder are saved through a hard reset. Backed up registry
settings are automatically restored after a hard reset.
When adding a new CAB file to the IPSM/AutoInstall folder:
1. First delete the RegBackup file in the IPSM folder.
2. Add the new CAB file, then press ESC + CTRL to perform a hard reset.
3. Reconfigure all settings, including the setting for the newly loaded CAB file.
4. Then tap Start (or the
) | Utils (or Power Tools) | RegBackup to save all settings.
CAB files stored in the AutoInstall folder within the IPSM folder are automatically unpacked
following a hard reset.
If necessary, restore default registry settings by deleting the RegBackup file in the IPSM folder
and then perform a hard reset.
After a Hard Reset (sometimes called Cold Boot) any programs that were not saved to the
IPSM folder are lost and need to be reinstalled.
CAB File Program
LXEAVA.CAB Avalanche CE Manager
POWERTOOLS_30 Power Tools Utilities
Saving Your Changes
To ensure that changes you make in control panels and other software, such as RFTerm, are saved
to the archive registry and the active registry, follow the procedure below:
1. Make the change.
2. Reset (warm boot) the mobile device.
3. Test the change.
4. Tap Start (or the
) | Utils (or Power Tools) | RegBackup to permanently save the
Refer to Chapter 3 “Physical Description and Layout”, section titled “Reset or Reboot” for more