86 MX6 Utilities
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Keyboard Status
Access: (Version 7.03 and 7.11) Start | Utils | Keyboard Status
(Version 7.13) Start | Power Tools | Keyboard Status
Activates the icon showing the status of the keypad mode (alpha or numeric) in the taskbar.
A “1” icon is displayed when in numeric mode, and an “A” icon is displayed when in alpha mode.
An icon is also added to the Taskbar, “1/A” icon. When this icon is tapped, a menu pops up.
The menu contains About, Settings, Enable and Exit options that can be used to control the
Keyboard Status utility. Settings allows you to assign an Event Notification to the changing
condition of the Keyboard status.
Network Utilities
Access: (Version 7.13 only) Start | Power Tools | Network Utilities
Select this option to open the Network Menu when you want to use the IPConfig, Ping and Route
utilities. Tap the Return icon to go back to the Power Tools panel.
Access: (Version 7.03 and 7.11) Start | Utils | NoSIP
(Version 7.13) Start | Power Tools | NoSIP
This utility disables the SIP (Soft Input Panel) icon that is displayed on the bottom half of the
screen. It also disables the popup SIP for every application.
For example, when you run Pocket Word and the focus is on the new document screen, the SIP
keypad usually pops up at the bottom of the screen. After running NoSIP, the SIP keypad is not
displayed in this mode. After running the NoSIP utility, an icon is added to the taskbar to allow
the user to re-enable the SIP.