
If UNIX authentication will be used, this product is not required. LDAP and IBM Kerberos
HPSS can be configured to use an LDAP directory to store its authorization information such as
users' names, UIDs, GIDs, and home directories. The supported LDAP server product for this release
is IBM Tivoli Directory Server. It can be downloaded from the
http://www - 306.ibm.com/software/tivoli/resource - center/security/code-directory - server.jsp webpage .
Installing the IBM Kerberos client is only required if LDAP is being used for authorization and the
LDAP daemon will be used for Kerberos authentication. This option is supported only on AIX. The
fileset for the IBM Kerberos client is located on the AIX Expansion Pack CD.
If UNIX authorization will be used, this product is not required. Java
HPSS uses the Java 2 Standard Edition, version 1.4.2, to implement the SSM graphical user
interface, hpssgui, the SSM command line interface, hpssadm and the mkhpss utility.
The Java product required for the AIX platform can be downloaded from the IBM Developer Kits for
AIX, Java Technology Edition webpage,
http://www - 106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/aix.index.html .
The Java product required for the Linux and Windows platform can be downloaded from Sun
Microsystems' download webpage, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html.
3.3.2. Prerequisite Summary By HPSS Node Type
This section provides a summary list of prerequisite software required for HPSS. It also lists the
software versions which have been verified with HPSS 6.2. HPSS Server Nodes
This section describes the prerequisite software required for each server node. AIX Requirements
Each AIX server node must have the following installed:
IBM RS/6000 (eServer pSeries) with a minimum of 2 GB RAM
AIX 5.2 with ML9 + APAR IY89387 or AIX 5.3 with ML5 + APAR IY89429 (32-bit or 64-
DB2 UDB V8.2 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) for AIX with FixPak 4. Note that FixPak 12
for DB2 8.1 is the same as DB2 UDB Version 8.2 with FixPak 4.
Java JDK 1.4.2 for AIX. Upgrade to at least IBM Java build ca142-20060421 (SR 5) which
is APAR IY84053.
MIT Kerberos 1.3.5 (if planning to use Kerberos authentication)
IBM LDAP 5.1 (if planning to use LDAP authorization)
IBM Kerberos 1.3 (if planning to use Kerberos authentication with LDAP)
C compiler for AIX, version (if planning to recompile HPSS code on this node)
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 59