Invoke the SSM System Manager, Startup Daemon and
prerequisite software
Perform this step on the root subsystem only. Use the rc.hpss script to invoke the Startup Daemon,
SSM System Manager and the prerequisite software.
% /opt/hpss/bin/rc.hpss
$ /etc/rc.hpss
If problems are encountered, try starting the software independantly using the rc.hpss script. The
default operation is "start".
Usage: rc.hpss [-o] [-m] [-d] [-p] [start | stop]
-o - direct output to /dev/console
-m - do only System Manager
-d - do only Startup Daemon
-p - do only prerequisite software
Additionally, ensure that the environment variables HPSS_PRIMARY_AUTHN_MECH and
HPSS_PRIMARY_AUTHENTICATOR are defined in /var/hpss/etc/env.conf and an authentication
mechanism is defined in /var/hpss/etc/site.conf. See Section 6.3.10: Setup Authentication and
Authorization on page 199 for more information.
The SSM System Manager obtains the environment variable values from various sources. It
will attempt to read the variables, if set, in the following order:
• Variables which are set in the environment of the shell from which rc.hpss is executed
• /var/hpss/etc/env.conf
• Default setting ($HPSS_ROOT/include/hpss_env_defs.h)
If the System Manager will not start, check the value of the parameters which are displayed in the
command line output.
Start an SSM Client Session
Perform this step on the root subsystem only. Start an SSM Client session on the main HPSS server:
% su - <userid>
% /opt/hpss/bin/hpssgui.pl
If problems are encountered, verify the values of the following environment variables:
These values are typically set in the SSM configuration file. The values may be overridden by
hpssgui.pl command line parameters or by setting the variables in the user's environment. If a value
is not specified by one of these means, it is taken from /var/hpss/etc/env.conf or, if not there, from the
default in $HPSS_ROOT/include/hpss_env_defs.h.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 221