
SubSection COS = <value>
E.g. COS = 2
Optional SubSection specifying the Class of Service to be used based on
file size. 0 means allow the Core Server to determine the optimal COS.
(Has no meaning for the Non-HPSS PFTD daemon.)
SubStanza <nodename> Service Name = <canonicalname>
E.g. sunrahe Service Name = sunrahe.sandia.gov
Optional SubStanza specifying the service name to be used by the PFTP
daemon node when acquiring credentials. Needed when the servername in
the keytab is different from that obtained by gethostname(). Use multiple
entries when this file is common to multiple PFTP daemons. Useful
particularly for clusters ans systems having multiple names. One or the
other of host/servicename@realm or ftp/servicename@realm must exist
in the Kerberos KDC and in the /etc/v5srvtab for the PFTP Server
executing on the machine mymachine.ssm.com (Non-HPSS PFTP daemon
SubStanza Use System Password Files = <value>
E.g. Use System Password Files = TRUE
SubStanza specifying that the system password files (/etc/passwd,
/etc/group, /etc/shadow) should be used. Should be specified explicitly.
TRUE and FALSE are case sensitive!
SubStanza PFTP Password File = <value>
Value: Pathname/Filename
E.g. PFTP Password File = /var/hpss/etc/passwd
Optional Substanza used to specify the file containing the users password
information. /var/hpss/etc/passwd is the default.
SubStanza PFTP Shadow File = <value>
Value: Pathname/Filename
E.g. PFTP Shadow File = /var/hpss/etc/pftp_shadow
Optional Substanza used to specify the file containing the users protected
password information. This should be specified if
USERNAME/PASSWORD authentication is in effect.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 281