
Authentication Type. Currently there is only one authentication type allowed.
User Name. The UNIX userid to be used for DB2 authentication. This userid must
have a valid UNIX account before running this configuration option.
Password and Verify Password. Enter and verify the UNIX password for the
userid entered in the User Name field above.
Create Subsys Database. Select this checkbox to create the "subsysX" database
(where X will be 2, 3, ...).
Subsystem Database Alias. The "real" database is configured as 'hsubsysX' while
the database alias is the name used by HPSS servers and utilities to reference the
database. The default value of 'subsysX' should normally be used (for example,
subsys2 for subsystem #2), but will need to be incremented for additional subsystems.
Log File Directory. The DB2 log files will be placed in the /var/hpss/hpssdb
filesystem by default. The directory should be changed to /db2/log/cfg for the CFG
database, and /db2/log/subsys1 for the SUBSYS1 database. To change the location of
the log files, enter the full pathname in the text box.
Mirrored Log File Directory. The directory should be changed to /db2/mirror-
log/cfg for the CFG database, and /db2/mirror-log/subsys1 for the SUBSYS1
database. To change the location of the log files, enter the full pathname in the text
Tablespace Config. Define the DB2 tablespace and containers for the subsysX
database. See the Tablespace Config options discussed in the Root Subsystem
Machine section for details related to adding/modifying tablespace and containers on
the Secondary Subsystem Machine.
Setup access to remote config DB. This checkbox should remain selected (default)
to allow connectivity to the root subsystem database.
Root Core Server Host. The hostname of the machine running the HPSS DB2
instance (if not local)
Root Core Server DB2 Port. The port number the local host should contact the
remote host by to access the DB2 database.
Real Config Database. The name of the database to be accessed by the local host.
The name will be 'hXXXX' rather than the non-h name.
4. When all data fields have been updated, click on the "Create DB2 Services" button at the
bottom of the screen to perform the DB2 configuration.
5. If the configuration was a success, you should see the following message in the command
output window:
## run command exited with status 0
Click the 'Done' button on the Command Output window to close the window. Configure Other Services
To configure Other Services on the secondary subsystem machine, perform the following steps:
1. From the "Secondary Subsystem Machine" submenu in the left panel, click on the
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 167