• KDC Directory. The pathname of the KDC directory. This directory should be set
to /var/hpss/krb5kdc.
• Master Password. The Kerberos administration password.
Be sure to remember this password to be able to administer the Kerberos
environment later.
• Verify Password. Re-enter the Kerberos administration password.
• Kerberos Admin Principal. The userid to administer the Kerberos environment.
• Authentication Type. There are two supported options: Keytab File or Password.
The Keytab File option allows HPSS servers or utilities to read a keytab file to
authenticate. The Password option requires a password to be supplied each time an
HPSS server or utility is invoked.
• Password. The password used to authenticate the caller when the HPSS server or
utility is invoked. This field is not enterable when the Authentication Type field is
specified as Keytab File.
• Keytab File. The pathname of the keytab file to be created if the Authentication
Type is set to "Keytab File". This file is normally located in the /var/hpss/etc
directory. This field is not enterable when the Authentication Type field is specified
as Password.
4. Using the scrollbar, move the right-panel display until the "Authorization Service"
information is seen. It should look like the following:
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 147