3.1.4. HPSS Operational Planning
The following planning steps must be carefully considered for the HPSS operational phase:
1. Define the site guidelines for the HPSS users and SSM users.
• Each HPSS user who uses the storage services provided by HPSS should be assigned
an Accounting ID and one or more appropriate Classes of Service (COS) to store files.
• Each SSM user (administrator or operator) should be assigned an appropriate SSM
security level. The SSM security level defines what functions each SSM user can
perform on HPSS through SSM. Refer to Section 2.3: SSM User Security, Section
3.3.2: Creating the SSM User Accounts, and Section Add an SSM User ID of
the HPSS Management Guide for more information on setting up the security level for
an SSM user.
2. Define the site procedures for repacking and reclaiming HPSS tape volumes. Define the tape
consolidation and reuse goals. For instance, define a tape utilization factor and plan to
repack those tapes that fall below that limit. The limits can be set on a per Storage Class
basis. Also decide when, or if empty tapes will be reclaimed. Refer to Section 8.1.4:
Repacking Tape Virtual Volumes and Section 8.1.5: Reclaiming HPSS Tape Virtual Volumes
(both in the HPSS Management Guide) for more information.
3. Define the site policy and procedure for generating the accounting reports. Take into
consideration how often an accounting report needs to be generated, how the accounting
information from the report will be used to produce the desired cost accounting, and whether
the accounting reports need to be archived. Refer to Section 3.9.3: Accounting Policy and
Validation on page 96 and Section 12.2: Accounting Policy of the HPSS Management Guide
for more information on defining an Accounting Policy and generating accounting reports.
4. Determine if gatekeeping (monitoring or load-balancing) will be required. If so, define and
write the site policy code for gatekeeping. Refer to Section 3.9.7: Gatekeeping on page 99 for
more information on gatekeeping, and refer to the HPSS Programmers Reference for
guidelines on implementing the Site Interfaces for the Gatekeeping Service.
3.1.5. HPSS Deployment Planning
The successful deployment of an HPSS installation is a complicated task which requires reviewing
client/system requirements, integration of numerous products and resources, proper training of users/
administrators, and extensive integration testing in the client environment.
Consider first, creating a set of documents to ensure the resources and intended configuration of
those resources can adequately meet the expectations required of the system. The next step in this
process is to coordinate the availability and readiness of the resources before the actual installation of
HPSS begins. Each one of the products/resources that HPSS uses must be installed, configured and
tuned for the final system to function and perform as expected. Once installed, a series of tests
should be planned and performed to verify that the system can meet the demands of the final
production environment. Finally, proper training of those administrating the system, as well as those
who will use it, is necessary to make a smooth transition to production usage.
To help the HPSS system administrators in all of these tasks, a set of procedures have been developed
to supplement this document. The HPSS Deployment Process contains a detailed outline of what is
required to bring up an HPSS system, from an initial introduction and review of the environment to
production use. This document is provided to customers at the initial HPSS planning meeting. The
deployment procedures include a time line plus checklist that the HPSS customer installation/system
administration team should use to keep the deployment of an HPSS system on track. This is the same
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 55