SubSection Mapfile Specifier = <value>
Values: Pathname/filename
E.g. Mapfile Specifier = /var/hpss/etc/MapfileName
Optional Substanza used to specify a file containing username mappings.
A different file can exist for each Authentication Type. This file provides
the ability to Authenticate as one user and be authorized as another user
(entity account). These files MUST be protected for security reasons.
These files should be owned by root and readable/writeable ONLY by
SubSection Default Authorization Mechanism = <value>
Values: LDAP, UNIX, DBAS (Not Implemented)
E.g. Default Authorization Mechanism = LDAP
Optional Substanza used to specify the Authorization Mechanism desired.
The PFTP Daemon does Authorization internally. If the HPSS system is
configured to use LDAP and the PFTP Server is configured to use UNIX,
the end user will have to be in both Authorization facilities. DBAS has
NOT been implemented in PFTP or in HPSS.
SubSection Use Site Auth Method = <value>
E.g. Use Site Auth Method = CRYPTOCARD
Optional Substanza used to specify an "Site Specific" Authentication
Mechanism to be used instead (Overloaded) of the UserName/Password
mechanism. This option requires a specific recompile of the hpss_pftpd
with site specific modules linked in. NOTE: if this option is specified, the
UserName/Password Mechanism will NOT use a standard Password.
SubStanza {Hostname} Service Name = {servicename}
E.g. mymachine Service Name =
Optional Substanza used to specify alternate service names for the
Kerberos service principals. The value after the equal sign is appended to
either “host” or “ftp” to form a service by the name like:
Very useful for Computing Clusters and multi-homed systems using a
Kerberized PFTP Server.
All SubStanzas are optional. If the optional SubStanza FileSize Options = { is included, one or more
<value> = { Sections must be included with mandatory SubSections BlockSize = …, StripeWidth =
…, and COS = … .
Each <value> = { Section defines the beginning of a range of file sizes to which its settings apply.
That range begins with value, and extends to the next larger value included in the FileSize options =
{ SubStanza. In the example below, the settings in the 1MB = { Section below apply to files with
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 283