
"Configuration" icon and then the "Other Services" icon. The following window will be
2. Click on the "Configure Other Services" button to complete the configuration of the
Secondary Subsystem Machine. If the configuration was a success, you should see the
following message in the command output window:
## run command exited with status 0
Click the 'Done' button on the Command Output window to close the window.
5.3.3. Install and Configure HPSS – Mover/Client Machine
For the Mover/Client machine, the following configuration steps must be performed:
Install Mover/Client source code
Install configuration bundle
Create /var/hpss subdirectories
Modify Kerberos configuration, if necessary
Check time and IP address
The following sections describe the procedure to perform the above steps. Install Mover/Client source code
Follow the instruction in on page 174, section 5.8.2 Construct and Build the HPSS Mover/Client
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 168