Chapter 1. Release 6.2
This chapter summarizes HPSS changes for Release 6.2 into four categories: new features, retired
features, deferred features, and changed features. Changes since release 4.5 and 5.1 are described.
1.1. New Features
This section describes the new HPSS features added to Release 6.2.
1.1.1. DCE Replacement
Previous HPSS releases used DCE to provide authenticated client/server remote procedure calls.
Since DCE is no longer offered as a commercial product, it has been replaced in HPSS with a
solution based on commercially available authentication services and ONC RPC technology.
The new HPSS infrastructure provides four primary sub-systems: POSIX Threads, Universal Unique
Identifiers (UUIDs), ONC Remote Procedure Calls and a collection of security services. The security
services include support for Kerberos and an LDAP based registry service. For more information on
the new HPSS infrastructure, see Section 2.3.4: HPSS Infrastructure on page 44.
1.1.2. Linux Support
All HPSS servers are fully supported on Linux.
1.1.3. Security
The HPSS Security implementation, which was based on DCE security, has been replaced with Unix
or MIT Kerberos authentication and with Unix or LDAP authorization. Refer to Chapter 2: Security
and System Access of the HPSS Management Guide and Section 3.2.7: Security on page 57 for more
1.1.4. SCSI PVR
Support for SCSI connected tape libraries has been added to HPSS 6.2 The SCSI PVR can be used to
control any SCSI command based tape library.
1.1.5. HPSS VFS Interface
The HPSS VFS Interface provides a POSIX I/O interface to the HPSS filesystem. The root of the
HPSS directory tree or a subdirectory can be mounted as a filesytem. HPSS files can be accessed by
any software that complies with the POSIX I/O API by using the HPSS VFS Interface. For more
information, please refer to Section 13.4: HPSS VFS Interface Configuration of the HPSS
Management Guide.
1.1.6. GridFTP Interface
The GridFTP interface uses the PIO interface to transfer data into/from HPSS.
1.1.7. SAN3P/PIO Support
PIO can be used to issue I/O requests to direct attached HPSS SAN3P disk cache.
1.1.8. Additional hpssadm Configuration Options
• Class of Service (COS)
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 15