
three minutes, and the subsystem conversion took approximately 40 minutes. Running Time for the Long Running Metadata Conversion
Utilities (for 4.5 upgrades only)
A system with more than 3 million HPSS files will see a significant performance gain from choosing
to run the long running metadata conversion programs in parallel. With 3 million files, the serial
conversion should take approximately 11 hours to finish, while the parallel conversions would take
only 2 hours.
The table below lists the estimated time required for each long running conversion program to
convert one million SFS metadata records in its associated SFS file. To estimate the runtime for each
conversion program, divide the number of records in the appropriate SFS file by one million and then
multiply by the number given in the table. The result will be the estimated number of minutes
required for that conversion program to run.
Table 10. Runing Times for Long Running Metadata Conversion
HPSS 4.5 Metadata Conversion Program Minutes per 1 million SFS Records
db_convert_bftapeseg 24
db_convert_bitfile 20
db_convert_nsobject 38
db_convert_nstext 16
db_convert_storagesegdisk 48
db_convert_storagesegtape 48
These times will vary depending on the hardware configuration of the system on which the
conversion is being run. The time estimates given above were determined on a relatively inactive
system (44P-270) with about 3 million HPSS files. For example, a system in which DB2 shared one
disk for all tables and table spaces (the worst configuration possible) saw performance twice as slow
as what is listed above. These numbers also do not take into account the extra time it will take to run
the long running metadata conversion programs in parallel.
6.2.7. Capturing the Metadata Conversion Output
All conversion output should be captured and retained for problem diagnosis and verification
purposes. Prior to running a metadata conversion program, consider whether or not to run the scripts
with their default behavior. Progress of the conversion programs is sent to standard out. Errors from
all conversion programs are sent to standard error. We recommend that each site redirect both
standard error and standard out to a file and, upon completing each conversion, search for common
strings associated with problems (e.g., “Error” and “Warning”). All errors and warnings should be
Some of the conversion programs output information that allows them to restart should an error occur
during a conversion run. These files are stored in the /var/hpss/convert/6.2 directory. Ensure that the
filesystem containing the /var/hpss/convert/6.2 directory has at least 25 MB of free disk space prior to
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 185