-db /var/hpss/convert/6.2/Convert.DB.Names \
-sub 1 -restart
When given the ‘-restart’ flag, the program will first attempt to determine that no other conversions
or DB2 loads are currently running on the specific table. If a load or conversion is still running (due
to failure to cleanup from an abnormal termination), the conversion should output a message and quit.
If no conversion or load is running, the restart will perform a db2 load insert to append metadata to
the table. The output will be slightly confusing in that it will show that it has submitted a total
number of records to the load that will differ from the db2 load output of how many records were
read, loaded and committed to the table. The difference should be exactly the number of records
present in the table before executing a restart. For example, suppose a long running conversion
program is terminated with a CTRL-C. The output might look like the following:
Running lr_db_convert_storagesegdisk utility...
Converting SFS file
Error: User termination (CTRL-C).
Number of rows read = 22000
Number of rows skipped = 0
Number of rows loaded = 22000
Number of rows rejected = 0
Number of rows deleted = 0
Number of rows committed = 22000
This output indicates that the program terminated from a CTRL-C, but the db2 load already placed
22000 storagesegdisk records in the storagesegdisk table (Number of rows committed is the only
significant number for determining how many records are actually in the table). The program is
ready to be restarted:
Re-running lr_db_convert_storagesegdisk utility...
Converting SFS file
/.:/encina/sfs/testsfs/storagesegdisk................. .............
Converted 376923 records successfully from
lr_db_convert_storagesegdisk complete, submitted 376923 records to
DB2 storagesegdisk load for subsystem 1, 1389 operations per sec,
271.308885 total time
Number of rows read = 354923
Number of rows skipped = 0
Number of rows loaded = 354923
Number of rows rejected = 0
Number of rows deleted = 0
Number of rows committed = 354923
Notice that the 'Number of rows committed' upon restarting is only 354923, which is 22000 less than
the total number of records in the SFS file, 376923. That is because the restarted load doesn’t know
that 22000 records were already loaded into the table. This was a successful restart.
The restart option works very well if an expected error occurs, such as running out of disk space or an
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 208