instance (e.g. . /home/hpssldap/sqllib/db2profile)
7. Setup DB2 instance for LDAP:
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idsicrt –n -e <random string> -I
<ldap instance name> -t <user name> -l <dir for ldap instance>
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idsicrt -n -e [asUf4As].f -I idsldap
-t idsldap -l /home/idsldap
8. Set the LDAP admin distinguished name (DN) and password by:
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idsdnpw -I <ldap instance name> -u
<distinguished name> -p <password>
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idsdnpw -I idsldap -u "cn=hpssldap"
-p hpssldap
9. Add suffix for realm DN:
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idscfgsuf -I <ldap instance name> -s
<realm name>
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idscfgsuf -I idsldap –s
10. Create the database user. For example, create ldapdb2 user for database, set password to
ldapdb2, and make primary group idsldap. Initialize the password for this user.
11. Start the LDAP server:
% idsslapd -I <ldap instance name>
% idsslapd -I idsldap
12. Create and configure the HPSS LDAP database:
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idscfgdb -I <ldap instance name> -a
<database user> -w <user password> -t <database name> -l
<database dir>
% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/sbin/idscfgdb -I idsldap -a ldapdb2 -w
ldapdb2 -t ldapdb2 -l /home/ldapdb2
13. Import the HPSS LDAP schema to the newly created database:
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 192