
Appendix D. HPSS.conf Configuration File
The HPSS.conf configuration file contains tuning options to be used by HPSS clients and servers.
For additional information, please see the HPSS.conf manual page.
General HPSS.conf Rules/Suggestions:
Keywords MUST be specified precisely as shown (no extra spaces)
Lines are comprised of comments, blank lines, simple specifiers, specifiers and values - “abc =
def”, or compound specifiers and terminators - “def = { …}.”
A ";" is used to comment out (deactivate) an actual Configuration Option. To activate these
options, remove the “;” (Suggestion)
Statements with a “#” sign as the first non-white character are explanatory comments.
Only ten levels of specification are allowed: Stanzas, SubStanzas, Sections, and SubSections.
SubStanzas may only exist in Compound Stanzas. Sections may only exist in Compound
SubStanzas, and SubSections may only exist in Compound Sections.
No line may exceed 512 characters, including the “= {“.
Comments may be included by entering either a semicolon (“;“) or a pound sign (“#”) as the
first non-white character in a line. Use of either of these characters other than as the first
character will not be interpreted as a comment (It will be interpreted as part of the specifier or
value!). Suggestion - Do NOT put comments at the end of the line!
Indentation is optional but is strongly encouraged (assists in diagnosis). Use “tabs” for
indentation. (Suggestion)
Closing braces (“}“) must be used to terminate opening braces (“ = {“). This MUST appear on
a separate line. PLEASE maintain indentation.
Spaces before or after the equal sign (“=”) are optional.
Blank Lines are ignored.
The Non-HPSS Parallel FTP Daemon options should be left alone. (Suggestion)
NOTE: HPSS and Network Tuning are highly dependent on the application environment.
The values specified herein are NOT expected to be applicable to any installation!
D.1. PFTP Client Stanza
The Parallel FTP Client configuration options are in two distinct stanzas of the HPSS.conf file
(PFTP Client Stanza and PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza).
Table 12. PFTP Client Stanza Fields
Configuration Type Abbreviated Description
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 259