
error occurs while reading metadata. A restart from a user termination (CTRL-C) works well 90% of
the time. Sometimes a user termination can cause DB2 to output many system log errors (usually
means the db2as, administrative server died). If the program is unable to perform a restart (i.e. an
attempt to perform the restart and the program hangs or exits with an error again), there are steps to
take to discover the problem.
First, see if there is a load pending on the table:
$ su hpss
$ db2
db2> connect to <Database Name>
db2> list tablespaces
Scan the output for the table space that corresponds to the table where the failed conversion was
performed. Under the table space information, find Detailed explanation. If the Detailed explanation
is Normal, perform a restart at this time because there is no load pending. If the Detailed explanation
is Load Pending or Quiesced, there is a load pending on the table. Determine what state the load is
in. Do this by performing a load query on the table to be restarted:
$ su hpss
$ db2
db2> connect to <Database Name>
db2> load query table <Table Name>
The load query result could be one sentence or several screens worth of SQL messages. Examine the
output and try to determine what phase the load is in by finding the last SQL3500 message in the
output. At this point, the load will either be in the REBUILD or LOAD phase. The load phase
provides information to help understand how to reset the table, if the restart fails and the restart
attempt is abandoned. At this point, attempt to perform the restart. The restart on a load pending can
take a long time depending on how many records have already been inserted into the table. To check
the status of the load, execute a load query command:
$ su hpss
$ db2
db2> connect to <Database Name>
db2> load query table <Table Name>
Run the load query several times in a row to determine if the load is counting records properly. Look
at the number next to Number of rows read, it will count up until it reaches the Number of rows
loaded and only then will the conversion program continue with normal processing from the last
record in the DB2 table. If there is no progress, the program is hung; terminate it and abandon restart
After abandoning restart procedures, attempt to run the conversion program without the '-restart'
option. If the program fails, try terminating a pending load. To terminate a load, run the program
‘load_terminate_*’ where * is the name of the table that was being converted. This should terminate
any pending load operations on that table. If after rerunning the program and there are still problems,
consider restarting DB2 or rebooting the system. Create Core Server ACLs
Prior to running this conversion program. Ensure you temporarily set the following
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 209