% /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/bin/idsldapmodify –c –i /opt/hpss/config/
HPSS_ldap_schema.ldif –D “cn=hpssldap” –w <password> -v
Note: where passwd is the password for the DN. In the example above, it would be the
hpssldap user’s password since hpssldap is the DN used above and configured with LDAP
on this system.
14. Setup LDAP stash file in /var/hpss/etc/ldap_stash:
% cat /var/hpss/etc/ldap_stash
ldap {
Note: <password> refers to hpssldap’s password on the system.
6.3.4. Install or Upgrade DB2
Refer to Section 3.3.2: Prerequisite Summary By HPSS Node Type on page 59 for the appropriate
version and level of DB2.
Install and Configure DB2 (for 4.5 upgrades only)
This step can be performed while the HPSS 4.5 system is running
It is very important to correctly specify whether the database is being created for
a root or non-root subsystem so that the appropriate database(s) can be created
Use the planning information from Section : on page to provide input for the
mkhpss script
These instructions should only be followed for a site upgrading from HPSS 4.5 that does not already
have DB2 installed or configured on their system. A site should follow the instructions in Section Install HPSS Documentation and DB2 Software on page 141 and Section Configure
DB2 Services on page 165 to install and configure DB2. Before proceeding past this step, verify
that all the necessary tables and indexes exist for a 6.2 system. Perform this step for each root and
non-root subsystem.
Following installation and configuration, tune the DB2 configuration in preparation for the
conversion. Refer to Section 5.7: Tune DB2 on page 171 for more information.
Upgrading DB2 (for 5.1 upgrades only)
This step cannot be performed while the HPSS 5.1 system is running.
This section only applies to sites that are upgrading from HPSS 5.1 to HPSS 6.2. There are no
special considerations for HPSS in upgrading DB2. Each site should follow the FixPak
documentation that is provided with the FixPak for instructions on how to upgrade DB2. Perform
this step for each root and non-root subsystem.
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 193