
SubStanza FTP Access File = <value>
Value: filename
E.g. FTP Access File = myftpaccess
Replaces -F<string> option.
Optional SubStanza setting the {FTP_FtpAccessFile}. Default:
ftpaccess. Located in the directory {FTPBaseDir}/etc.
SubStanza Disable Slash Home Directory
E.g. Disable Slash Home Directory
Replaces -Z option.
Optional SubStanza disabling use of / as the user’s home directory.
Normally, this should be active for Security reasons.
Substanza Disable Access if no Home Directory
E.g. Disable Access if No Home Directory
Replaces -H option.
Optional SubStanza disallowing login for users whose home directory
does not exist or is not properly configured. The default behavior is to put
the user in the “/” directory. Normally, this should be active for Security
SubStanza Disable Hints
E.g. Disable Hints
Replaces hpss_option HINTS off in ftpaccess.
Optional SubStanza disabling the sending of hints to the Core Server.
(HPSS only.) Not recommended.
SubStanza Allow Trusted Hosts Authentication
E.g. Allow Trusted Hosts Authentication
Replaces -I option.
Optional SubStanza to permit us of the Trusted Hosts File. Note: this is
STRONGLY Discouraged. (HPSS only.)
SubStanza HPSS FTP Principal = <value>
Value: Appropriate HPSS Principal Name
E.g. HPSS FTP Principal = hpssftp
Replaces -P option and hpss_option PRINC name in ftpaccess.
Optional SubStanza specifying the HPSS principal representing hpssftp.
(HPSS only.)
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 275