
Changes since 4.5 Server GUI ADM
The hpssadm config command now supports the additional structures:
Class of Service Config
Storage Class (but not subsystem-specific storage class options)
Global Config
Accounting Policy
Location Policy
All server configurations; servers which were not supported before are
the core server, gatekeeper, location server, log daemon,
migration/purge server, pvl, all pvrs, and ssm. The mover, log client
and startup daemon are still supported as previously.
A new command “task” displays the status of any long running background
tasks submitted during the session, such as imports or resource creates.
A new subcommand “update” has been added to the hpssadm device
command for updating the mover device and pvl drive objects.
n Changes Affecting Sites Upgrading from 5.1
Changes since 5.1 Server GUI ADM
The SSM System Manager and Data Server were consolidated in release
6.2 into a single server, the SSM System Manager.
Java is no longer used in the server side of SSM (the new consolidated
SSM System Manager).
SSL is no longer supported with SSM. This means it is no longer
necessary to create an SSL certificate (the /var/hpss/ssm/ds.cer file) or
import it into the certificate authority file ($JAVA_ROOT/jre/lib/cacerts)
on each ssm client machine.
n n n
The Java Security Manager is no longer used with SSM. This means the
Java policy files are no longer required. In 5.1, these files were the
java.policy.ds and the java.policy.ssmuser.
n n n
The start_ssm script is no longer available. The SSM System Manager is
started with the rc.hpss script. The rc.hpss script has been moved from a
default location of /etc to /opt/hpss/bin.
There are new versions of the hpssgui and hpssadm startup scripts in perl
and vbs. These are named with an extension to indicate the type of script:
hpssadm.pl, hpssadm.vbs, hpssgui.pl and hpssgui.vbs. The ksh and bat
scripts are no longer supported.
The scripts are no longer distributed as templates; they will be packaged
into the $HPSS_PATH_BIN (default /opt/hpss/bin) directory.
n n
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 27