attributes pertinent to authorization are retained in HPSS 6.2. The program also optionally
supports Unix authentication in HPSS 6.2 by obtaining each HPSS users’ password from DCE
and preserving it in the Unix system or optionally into a local HPSS password file
• hpss_ldap_import – This program is intended to support LDAP authorization by using
information from DCE about HPSS servers and HPSS users pertinent to performing
authorization (UID, moniker, and home directory) and importing them into LDAP
• hpss_ldap_admin – The hpss_ldap_admin utility is an LDAP administration tool that can be
used to create a HPSS 6.2 site entry using the correct local site name from the Location Server
Policy in HPSS 4.5 or 5.1
Server Security ACL and Endpoint Creation Utilities
• hpss_init_server_acls - This utility creates default server security ACLs and default interfaces
for each server in HPSS 6.2. These ACLs and interfaces are necessary so that each server in
HPSS 6.2 can communicate with each other
• hpss_bld_ep – This utility creates endpoints for the Location Server to use. The endpoints
created are placed in the file /var/hpss/etc/ep.conf HPSS 4.5 Upgrade Utilities
The utilities listed in this section apply only to upgrades from HPSS 4.5 to HPSS 6.2.
HPSS 4.5 to 6.2 Metadata Conversion Utilities
Prior to performing the metadata conversion, become familiar with the conversion programs and their
output. Detailed information for each of these utilities is located in the sections where the utility is
run. Also see Section 6.5: HPSS 4.5 Conversion Utilities Output on page 232 for examples of each
utility's output. If the conversion program fails, it will exit with an error. To correct the error and
continue with the conversion, see Section 6.4: Metadata Conversion Troubleshooting Procedures on
page 227.
The conversion programs are located in $HPSS_ROOT/convert62/bin. For any of the conversion
programs, simply executing the program without any options will provide the usage instructions.
The following conversion utilities are used in the 4.5 to 6.2 metadata conversion:
• db_convert_collect_info - The first program used in the 4.5 conversion is the information
collection utility, db_convert_collect_info. This utility will gather configuration related
information based on input provided about the 4.5 HPSS system. The program will save the
information to several text files located in the /var/hpss/convert/6.2 directory
• db_config_convert- The db_config_convert script calls a series of programs that will perform
all of the HPSS 4.5 configuration metadata conversions
• db_subsys_convert - The db_subsys_convert script invokes a series of programs that will
convert all of the subsystem related metadata
These 4.5 to 6.2 conversion utilities are considered "Long Running Utilities":
• db_convert_bftapeseg – This program converts the bitfile tape segment metadata from the
HPSS 4.5 bftapesegment SFS file to the HPSS 6.2 DB2 BFTAPESEG table by reading
records from SFS and performing DB2 load into the new table.
• db_convert_bitfile - This program converts the bitfile metadata from the HPSS 4.5 bitfile SFS
file to the HPSS 6.2 DB2 BITFILE table by reading records from SFS and performing a DB2
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 188