superdaemon (/etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services) to initiate the multinoded.
The sections may be either a simple section or a valued section. A simple substanza is a single
name/Dot Notation IP Address to be used for both “Control” connection and “Data” connection. The
valued substanza is used to specify the name/Dot Notation IP Address for the “Control” connection
(specifier) and the name/Dot Notation IP Address for the “Data” connection (value.)
Multinode Table Stanza Rules:
• SubStanza hostnames (local hosts) may contain one or more hostnames separated by white
spaces (subject to the HPSS.conf line character limit.)
• Section hostnames (remote hosts) [and/or values] may be specified as either string-based
hostnames or Dot Notation IP Addresses. Only one entry per line.
Multinode Table Example:
# Options read by the Multinode Daemon
Multinode Table = {
# Diagnostic Delay
; Sleep for Debugger = 15
# Hostname of the Client
water =
# Name of the system running the PFTP Server
pftp_server = {
# Specification of the Multinode Host
# If the Data Node is a different interface than the interface
# specified by the Control Node; then enter the Data Node
# Interface after the "=" otherwise the Control and Data
# are the same.
# Control and/or Data may be dot notation OR string hostnames.
Water =
Default = {
Default = {
# If the Data Node is different than the Control Node
# Enter the Data Node after the "=" otherwise the
# Control and Data are the same.
# Control and/or Data may be dot notation OR string hostnames.
larry = sneezy
D.4. Network Option Stanza
The Network Options are in the Network Options = { … } stanza of the HPSS.conf file.
The Network Options stanza allows different options to be specified based on: Source IP address
[ Local Interface Name(s) ] AND Destination IP Address(es). When the Parallel FTP Client, Client
API, or Mover establish connections, they will search the contents of this file for entries matching
Source/Destination IP addresses and use the options specified in the matching entry.
The configuration file entries contain values/flags to be used for applying assorted socket and
network options including: whether to enable/disable TCP Delay (TcpNoDelay), the socket send
sizes (SendSpace) and/or socket receive sizes (RecvSpace), the desired write buffer size
(WriteSize), and RFC1323 support (“Large” Window.)
Which configuration entry to use is determined based on the Local Interface Name and the
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 268