
root 1456 2034 0 16:04:08 pts/13 0:00 db_convert_bitfile ...
root 1567 1456 0 16:04:08 pts/13 0:00 ksh db2 load ...
Next, issue a 'kill -15 1381', sending a SIGTERM (kill -l, will list all signals and their appropriate
number on your system) to the only the conversion C program, and not to any of the other bitfile
conversion processes. Note that all C conversion programs begin with lr_db_convert. This will allow
the C program to flush its buffers and write a checkpoint record to a file for use by the conversion
programs upon using the -restart option. If the improper signal (i.e. KILL) is sent to any of the
conversion programs, they may not be able to restart properly. We recommend that you contact your
HPSS customer support representative for assistance.
Most long running conversions perform a load/replace operation, which means they will
automatically empty or throw away all records (metadata) in the tables they are loading data into
from SFS. These programs include:
If needed, rerun the above programs in any order because they always replace the records in the
tables they are loading and do not depend on any other conversions.
Other long running conversions perform inserts on certain tables, which means that they will never
replace or destroy records (metadata) that exist in the tables when they are run. This is because they
depend on other conversion programs (db_convert_nsacl and db_convert_vvtape) that are part of the
subsystem conversion program (db_subsys_convert). Because these long running programs perform
load insert operations, consider explicitly deleting the records (metadata) from the ABSADDR and
NSACL tables in order to prevent errors about duplicate records upon running the long running
programs more than once. If the records from these tables (ABSADDR and NSACL) are not deleted
then run the db_convert_nsacl and db_convert_vvtape conversions prior to running the corresponding
long running program again. The programs that perform load inserts are:
The db_convert_nsobject program performs a load insert into the DB2 subsystem able NSACL and
depends on db_convert_nsacl (part of db_subsys_convert) to be run first. The
db_convert_storagesegtape program performs a load insert into the DB2 subsystem table ABSADDR
and depends on db_convert_vvtape (part of db_subsys_convert) to be run first.
To determine whether the programs completed successfully, search the output file for keywords such
as “Error:” and “Warning:”. See Section 6.2.7: Capturing the Metadata Conversion Output on page
185 and Section 6.4: Metadata Conversion Troubleshooting Procedures on page 227. If
db_config_convert, db_subsys_convert and all individual long running programs complete
successfully, the metadata conversion is finished.
Restarting the Long Running Utilities
The only conversion programs with restart capability are the long running conversion programs. To
use the restart capability, run the program with a “-restart” flag. The command to restart will look like
db_convert_bitfile -g /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/globalconfig \
HPSS Installation Guide July 2008
Release 6.2 (Revision 2.0) 207