Accessing the RETURNCODE Data Area
*SHOWSKP allows you to see the statements that are ignored by the compiler
as a result of /IF, /ELSEIF, /ELSE, OR /EOF directives.
*XREF allows you to check the use of files, fields, and indicators within the
*EXT allows you to see which procedures and fields are imported or exported
by the module/program. It also identifies the actual files which were used for
generating the descriptions for externally described files and data structures.
Accessing the RETURNCODE Data Area
Both the CRTBNDRPG and CRTRPGMOD (see “Using the CRTRPGMOD
Command” on page 74) commands create and update a data area with the status
of the last compilation. This data area is named RETURNCODE, is 400 characters
long, and is placed into library QTEMP.
To access the RETURNCODE data area, specify RETURNCODE in factor 2 of a
*DTAARA DEFINE statement.
The data area RETURNCODE has the following format:
Byte Content and Meaning
1 For CRTRPGMOD, character '1' means that a module was created in
the specified library. For CRTBNDRPG, character '1' means a module
with the same name as the program name was created in QTEMP.
2 Character '1' means that the compilation failed because of compiler
3 Character '1' means that the compilation failed because of source
4 Not set. Always '0'.
5 Character '1' means the translator was not called because either
OPTION(*NOGEN) was specified on the CRTRPGMOD or
CRTBNDRPG command; or the compilation failed before the translator
was called.
6-10 Number of source statements
11-12 Severity level from command
13-14 Highest severity of diagnostic messages
15-20 Number of errors that are found in the module (CRTRPGMOD) or
program (CRTBNDRPG).
21-26 Compile date
27-32 Compile time
33-100 Not set. Always blank
101-110 Module (CRTRPGMOD) name or program (CRTBNDRPG) name.
111-120 Module (CRTRPGMOD) library name or program (CRTBNDRPG) library
121-130 Source file name
70 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide