Using a Compiler Listing
Using Additional-Diagnostic Messages
The Additional Diagnostic Messages section identifies errors which arise when one
or more lines of code are viewed collectively. These messages are not placed
within the code where the problem is; in general, the compiler does not know at the
time of checking that portion of the source that a problem exists. However, when
possible, the message line includes either the listing Line Number and SEU
| sequence number, or the Statement Number of a source line which is related to the
Browsing a Compiler Listing Using SEU
The SEU Split/Browse session (F15) allows you to browse a compiler listing in the
output queue. You can review the results of a previous compilation while making
the required changes to your source code.
While browsing the compiler listing, you can scan for errors and correct those
source statements that have errors. To scan for errors, type F *ERR on the SEU
command line of the browse session. The line with the first (or next) error is high-
lighted, and the first-level text of the same message appears at the bottom of the
screen. You can see the second-level text by placing your cursor on the message
at the bottom and then pressing F1 (Help).
When possible, the error messages in the listing identify the SEU sequence number
of the line in error. The sequence number is found just before the message text.
For complete information on browsing a compiler listing, see
ADTS for AS/400:
Source Entry Utility
Correcting Run-time Errors
The source section of the listing is also useful for correcting run-time errors. Many
run-time error messages identify a statement number where the error in question
| If OPTION(*NOSRCSTMT) is specified, the Line Number on the
side of the
compiler listing corresponds to the statement number in the run-time error
message. The source ID number and the SEU sequence number on the
of the compiler listing identify the source member and record. You can use the two
together, especially if you are editing the source using SEU, to determine which line
needs to be examined.
| If OPTION(*SRCSTMT) is specified, the Statement Number on the
side of the
| compiler listing corresponds to the statement number in the run-time error
| message. If the statement is from the main source member, this is the same as the
| statement on the
side of the compiler listing, and is also the same as the SEU
| sequence number.
If you have a /COPY member, you can find the source ID number of the actual file
in the /COPY Member table at the end of the listing. For an example of a /COPY
Member table, see “/COPY Member Table” on page 432.
68 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide