
Accessing Printer Devices
Skipping past the overflow line to any line on the same page sets the overflow
indicator on.
Skipping past the overflow line to any line on the new page does not set the
overflow indicator on unless a skip-to is specified past the specified overflow
A skip to a new page specified on a line not conditioned by an overflow indi-
cator sets the overflow indicator off after the forms advance to a new page.
If you specify a skip to a new line and the printer is currently on that line, a skip
does not occur. The overflow indicator is set to off, unless the line is past the
overflow line.
When an OR line is specified for an output print record, the space and skip
entries of the preceding line are used. If they differ from the preceding line,
enter space and skip entries on the OR line.
Control level indicators can be used with an overflow indicator so that each
page contains information from only one control group. See Figure 158 on
page 320.
For conditioning an overflow line, an overflow indicator can appear in either an
AND or an OR relationship. For an AND relationship, the overflow indicator
must appear on the main specification line for that line to be considered an
overflow line. For an OR relationship, the overflow indicator can be specified on
either the main specification line or the OR line. Only one overflow indicator can
be associated with one group of output indicators. For an OR relationship, only
the conditioning indicators on the specification line where an overflow indicator
is specified is used for the conditioning of the overflow line.
If an overflow indicator is used on an AND line, the line is
an overflow line.
In this case, the overflow indicator is treated like any other output indicator.
When the overflow indicator is used in an AND relationship with a record identi-
fying indicator, unusual results are often obtained because the record type
might not be the one read when overflow occurred. Therefore, the record identi-
fying indicator is not on, and all lines conditioned by both overflow and record
identifying indicators do not print.
An overflow indicator conditions an exception line (E in position 17), and condi-
tions fields within the exception record.
318 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide