Show source records of members included by the /COPY compiler direc-
Do not show source records of members included by the /COPY compiler
Show the expansion of externally described files in the listing and display
key field information.
Do not show the expansion of externally described files in the listing or
display key field information.
Show the list of external procedures and fields referenced during the
compile on the listing.
Do not show the list of external procedures and fields referenced during the
compilation on the listing.
Do not show ignored statements in the source part of the listing. The com-
piler ignores statements as a result of /IF, /ELSEIF or /ELSE directives.
Show all statements in the source part of the listing, regardless of whether
or not the compiler has skipped them.
| Line Numbers in the listing are assigned sequentially; these numbers are
| used when debugging using statement numbers. Line Numbers are shown
| on the left-most column of the listing. The source IDs and SEU Sequence
| Numbers are shown on the two right-most columns of the listing.
| Statement numbers for debugging are generated using SEU sequence
| numbers and source IDs as follows:
Statement_Number = source_ID * 1000000 + source_SEU_sequence_number
| SEU Sequence Numbers are shown on the left-most column of the listing.
| Statement Numbers are shown on the right-most column of the listing;
| these numbers are used when debugging using statement numbers.
| Note: When OPTION(*SRCSTMT) is specified, all sequence numbers in
| the source files must contain valid numeric values. If there are
| duplicate sequence numbers in the same source file, the behavior
| of the debugger may be unpredictable and statement numbers for
| diagnostic messages or cross reference entries may not be mean-
| ingful.
| Generate breakpoints for all input and output specifications.
Appendix C. The Create Commands 411