
Using Program-Described WORKSTN Files
What data is sent
What ICF functions to perform.
If a format name is used, input and output specifications must be used to describe
the input and output records.
You can specify PASS(*NOIND) on a file description specification for a program-
described WORKSTN file. The PASS(*NOIND) keyword indicates that the RPG
program will not additionally pass indicators to data management on output or
receive them on input. It is your responsibility to pass indicators by describing them
as fields (in the form *INxx, *IN, or *IN(x) ) in the input or output record. They must
be specified in the sequence required by the data description specifications (DDS).
You can use the DDS listing to determine this sequence.
Using a Program-Described WORKSTN File with a Format Name
The following specifications apply to using a format name for a program-described
Output Specifications
On the output specifications, you must specify the WORKSTN file name in positions
7 through 16. The format name, which is the name of the DDS record format, is
specified as a literal or named constant in positions 53 through 80 on the suc-
ceeding field description line. K1 through K10 must be specified (right-adjusted) in
positions 47 through 51 on the line containing the format name. The K identifies the
entry as a length rather than an end position, and the number indicates the length
of the format name. For example, if the format name is CUSPMT, the entry in posi-
tions 47 through 51 is K6. (Leading zeros following the K are allowed.) The format
name cannot be conditioned (indicators in positions 21 through 29 are not valid).
Output fields must be located in the output record in the same order as defined in
the DDS; however, the field names do not have to be the same. The end position
entries for the fields refer to the end position in the output record passed from the
RPG program to data management, and not to the location of the fields on the
To pass indicators on output, do one of the following:
Specify the keyword INDARA in the DDS for the WORKSTN file. Do not use
the PASS(*NOIND) keyword on the file description specification and do not
specify the indicators on the output specifications. The program and file use a
separate indicator area to pass the indicators.
Specify the PASS(*NOIND) keyword on the file description specification.
Specify the indicators in the output specifications as fields in the form *INxx.
The indicator fields must precede other fields in the output record, and they
must appear in the order specified by the WORKSTN file DDS. You can deter-
mine this order from the DDS listing.
Chapter 18. Using WORKSTN Files 339