Compiler Listings
E x t e r n a l R e f e r e n c e s
Statically bound procedures:
Procedure References
Imported fields:
Field Attributes Defined
Exported fields:
Field Attributes Defined
EXPORT_ARR(2) A(5) 2
* * * * * E N D O F E X T E R N A L R E F E R E N C E S * * * * *
Figure 225. Sample External References
Message Summary
The message summary contains totals by severity of the errors that occurred. If
OPTION(*SECLVL) is specified, it also provides second-level message text.
Figure 226 shows an example.
| M e s s a g e S u m m a r y
| Msg id Sv Number Message text
| *RNF7031 00 16 The name or indicator is not referenced.
| Cause . . . . . : The field, subfield, TAG, data
| structure, PLIST, KLIST, subroutine, indicator, or
| prototype is defined in the program, but not referenced.
| Recovery . . . : Reference the item, or remove it from
| the program. Compile again.
| *RNF7066 00 2 Record-Format name of Externally-Described file is not used.
| Cause . . . . . : There is a Record-Format name for an
| Externally-Described File that is not used on a valid
| input or output operation.
| Recovery . . . : Use the Record-Format name of the
| Externally-Described File for input or output, or specify
| the name as a parameter for keyword IGNORE. Compile
| again.
| *RNF7086 00 2 RPG handles blocking for the file. INFDS is updated only when
| blocks of data are transferred.
| Cause . . . . . : RPG specifies MLTRCD(*YES) in the UFCB
| (User-File-Control Block). Records are passed between RPG
| and data management in blocks. Positions 241 through the
| end of the INFDS (File-Information-Data Structure) are
| updated only when a block of records is read or written.
| Recovery . . . : If this information is needed after
| each read or write of a record, specify the OVRDBF
| command for the file with SEQONLY(*NO).
| * * * * * E N D O F M E S S A G E S U M M A R Y * * * * *
Figure 226. Sample Message Summary
Final Summary
The final summary section provides final message statistics and source statistics. It
also specifies the status of the compilation. Figure 227 on page 437 shows an
436 ILE RPG for AS/400 Programmer's Guide