Using the CRTBNDRPG Command
Table 5 (Page 2 of 2). CRTBNDRPG Parameters and Their Default Values Grouped by Function
ALWNULL(*NO) Determines if the program will accept values from null-capable
FIXNBR(*NONE) Determines which decimal data that is not valid is to be fixed by
the compiler
Run-Time Considerations
DFTACTGRP(*YES) Identifies whether this program always runs in the OPM default
activation group
| OPTION(*DEBUGIO)| *DEBUGIO/*NODEBUGIO, determines if breakpoints are gener-
| ated for input and output specifications
ACTGRP(QILE) Identifies the activation group in which the program should run
SRTSEQ(*HEX) Specifies the sort sequence table to be used
LANGID(*JOBRUN) Used with SRTSEQ to specify the language identifier for sort
TRUNCNBR(*YES) Specifies the action to take when numeric overflow occurs for
packed-decimal, zoned-decimal, and binary fields in fixed-format
See Appendix C, “The Create Commands” on page 405 for the syntax diagram
and parameter descriptions of CRTBNDRPG.
Creating a Program for Source Debugging
In this example you create the program EMPRPT so that you can debug it using
the source debugger. The DBGVIEW parameter on either CRTBNDRPG or
CRTRPGMOD determines what type of debug data is created during compilation.
The parameter provides six options which allow you to select which view(s) you
*STMT — allows you to display variables and set breakpoints at statement
locations using a compiler listing. No source is displayed with this view.
*SOURCE — creates a view identical to your input source.
*COPY — creates a source view and a view containing the source of any
/COPY members.
*LIST — creates a view similar to the compiler listing.
*ALL — creates all of the above views.
*NONE — no debug data is created.
The source for EMPRPT is shown in Figure 28 on page 54.
1. To create the object type:
The program will be created in the library MYLIB with the same name as the
source member on which it is based, namely, EMPRPT. Note that by default, it
will run in the default named activation group, QILE. This program object can
be debugged using a source view.
2. To debug the program type:
Chapter 6. Creating a Program with the CRTBNDRPG Command 59