Differences Between OPM RPG/400 and ILE RPG
4. Call performance for LR-on will be greatly improved by having no PSDS, or a
PSDS no longer than 80 bytes, since some of the information that fills the
PSDS after 80 bytes is costly to obtain. If the PSDS is not coded, or is too
short to contain the date and time the program started, these two values will
not be available in a formatted dump. All other PSDS values will be available,
no matter how long the PSDS is.
5. The prefix for ILE RPG inquiry messages is RNQ, so if you use the default
reply list, you must add RNQ entries similar to your existing RPG entries.
6. In OPM, if a CL program calls your RPG program followed by a MONMSG, and
the RPG program receives a notify or status message, the CL MONMSG will
not handle the notify or status message. If you are calling ILE RPG from ILE
CL and both are in the same activation group, the ILE CL MONMSG will handle
the notify or status message and the RPG procedure will halt immediately
without an RPG error message being issued. For more information see “Prob-
lems when ILE CL Monitors for Notify and Status Messages” on page 247.
7. When displaying a variable using the ILE source debugger, you will get unreli-
able results if:
the ILE RPG program uses an externally described file and
the variable is defined in the data base file but not referenced in the ILE
RPG program.
1. In ILE RPG you can read a record in a file opened for update, and created or
overridden with SHARE(*YES), and then update this locked record in another
program that has opened the same file for update.
2. You cannot modify the MR indicator using the MOVE or SETON operations.
(RPG III only prevents using SETON with MR.)
3. The File Type entry on the File specification no longer dictates the type of I/O
operations that must be present in the calculation specifications.
For example, in RPG III, if you define a file as an update file, then you must
have an UPDAT operation later in the program. This is no longer true in RPG
IV. However, your file definition still must be consistent with the I/O operations
present in the program. So if you have an UPDATE operation in your source,
the file must be defined as an update file.
4. ILE RPG will allow record blocking even if the COMMIT keyword is specified on
the file description specification.
5. In RPG IV, a file opened for update will also be opened as delete capable.
You do not need any DELETE operations to make it delete capable.
6. In RPG IV, you do not have to code an actual number for the number of
devices that will be used by a multiple-device file. If you specify
MAXDEV(*FILE) on a file description specification, then the number of save
areas created for SAVEDS and SAVEIND is based on the number of devices
that your file can handle. (The SAVEDS, SAVEIND, and MAXDEV keywords on
an RPG IV file description specification correspond to the SAVDS, IND, and
NUM options on a RPG III file description specification continuation line,
Appendix A. Behavioral Differences Between OPM RPG/400 and ILE RPG for AS/400 375