Running a Program Using the CL CALL Command
Chapter 9. Running a Program
This chapter shows you how to:
Run a program and pass parameters using the CL CALL command
Run a program from a menu-driven application
Run a program using a user-created command
Manage activation groups
Manage run-time storage.
In addition, you can run a program using:
The Programmer Menu. The
CL Programming
, SC41-5721-02 manual contains
information on this menu.
The Start Programming Development Manager (STRPDM) command. The
ADTS/400: Programming Development Manager
manual contains information
on this command.
The QCMDEXC program. The
CL Programming
manual contains information on
this program.
A high-level language. Chapter 10, “Calling Programs and Procedures” on
page 127 provides information on running programs from another HLL or
calling service programs and procedures.,
Running a Program Using the CL CALL Command
You can use the CL CALL command to run a program (type *PGM). You can use
the command interactively, as part of a batch job, or include it in a CL program. If
you need prompting, type CALL and press F4 (Prompt). If you need help, type
CALL and press F1 (Help).
For example, to call the program EMPRPT from the command line, type:
The program object specified must exist in a library and this library must be con-
tained in the library list *LIBL. You can also explicitly specify the library in the CL
CALL command as follows:
See the
CL Reference (Abridged)
for further information about using the CL CALL
Once you call your program, the OS/400 system performs the instructions found in
the program.
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