Accessing Printer Devices
The total lines with an F coded in position 18 can fetch the overflow routine. They
only do so if overflow is sensed prior to the printing of one of these lines. Before
fetch overflow is processed, a check is made to determine whether the overflow
indicator is on. If it is on, the overflow routine is fetched, the heading line condi-
tioned by the overflow indicator is printed, and the total operations are processed.
Changing Forms Control Information in a Program-Described File
The PRTCTL (printer control) keyword allows you to change forms control informa-
tion and to access the current line value within the program for a program-
described PRINTER file. Specify the keyword PRTCTL(
data structure name
) on the
File Description specification for the PRINTER file.
You can specify two types of PRTCTL data structures in your source: an
OPM-defined data structure, or an ILE data structure. The default is to use the ILE
data structure layout which is shown in Table 24. To use the OPM-defined data
structure layout, specify PRTCTL(
data-structure name
PRTCTL data structure layout is shown in Table 25 on page 324.
The ILE PRTCTL data structure must be defined on the Definition specifications. It
requires a minimum of 15 bytes and must contain at least the following five sub-
fields specified in the following order:
The OPM PRTCTL data structure must be defined on the Definition specifications
and must contain at least the following five subfields specified in the following
Table 24. Layout of ILE PRTCTL Data Structure
Positions Subfield Contents
1-3 A three-position character field that contains the space-before
value (valid values: blank or 0-255)
4-6 A three-position character field that contains the space-after
value (valid values: blank or 0-255)
7-9 A three-position character field that contains the skip-before value
(valid values: blank or 0-255)
10-12 A three-position character field that contains the skip-after value
(valid values: blank or 0-255)
13-15 A three-digit numeric field with zero decimal positions that con-
tains the current line count value.
Chapter 17. Accessing Externally Attached Devices 323